Robot Rainbow Heart

movie reviews

scanners (1981) (11/19/22) so this is the second time i've seen scanners and it's definitely one of those movies that benefits from a rewatch i think, just because it starts sort of abruptly and you dont know what's happening for a while. anyway. obviously i really dug the gore/special effects, all of the head exploding shit and of course the final battle were so grotesque yet fascinating i couldn't look away from it. i really loved the cornier aspects of this film, too, some line deliveries/choices are so bizarre that it makes you crack up unintentionally. i mean the delivery of the last line of the movie alone is hilarious. i love sci fi, i love the vibe of this and the story and the entire concept of 'scanners'. really interesting take on psychic stuff. i'm excited to see more of cronenberg's stuff soon!!!

secret window (2004) (11/13/22) terrible lol. it was a bit fun just for the blockbuster horror flick vibe but truly it was so obvious from the beginning and i also do not think depp was a good choice for the main character, like at all. you can tell he's toeing the line of some vague jack sparrow dialogue and i don't know, i think for king adaptations like this we need a real white bread bore as a mc and not someone who's usually typecast as eccentric.

some like it hot (1959) (11/6/22) favorite movie ever, this is just a billionth-time rewatch but it was amazing as always lol. i love marilyn, i love jack and tony absolutely putting their whole pussy into the role of daphne and geraldine, i LOVE spats. the whole concept is a beautiful comedic romp and it couldn't have been more perfectly done.

barbarian (2022) (10/25/22) i am right in the middle on the movie, it had me in the first twenty min, and when it went off the rails i didn't honestly see the value in that. it took me out of it, not just bc of the abruptness but bc it didn't feel like it fit the movie. it sort of felt like a film stitched together with several unrelated ideas. the villain being some basic creepy serial killer... and the monster being his incest spawn... idk. rubbed me wrong, felt lazy, and i honestly don't see the hype here. i think the gore and everything was well executed but it was just too chaotic for me personally. and i went into this as a big fan of the director so it does feel a bit disappointing to not enjoy it.

slumber party massacre (1982) (10/19/22) the most fun time ever. a classic slasher in a sleepover setting with ur stoner girlfriends. flawless.

blood & donuts (1995) (10/13/22) this movie felt like it was made for me almost. i loved the story, how it was so individual and insular, and i LOVED the ending. it was just such a beautiful small vampire story. so much love put into it and shown through it. the characters were all amazing. this was like a king short story brought to life in the best way possible. one of the best media depictions of a vampire if only for how it delves into the misery of it all. how much you want to die when you're immortal. idk. it was angsty and incredible and i definitely won't ever forget it.